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PG Programmes

LOSS OF WEIGHT on 27.02.2019

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “LOSS OF WEIGHT” on 27.02.2019 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Sandhya
I Year PG
Pediatrics Severe Acute Malnutrition
Dr. B. Prafful Kumar
I Year PG
Community Medicine Nutritional Programme to Prevent Weight Loss
Dr. Deepa Reddy
I Year PG
General medicine Medical causes of loss of weight
Dr. Sasank
II year PG
General Surgery Surgical causes of loss of weight


  1. Dr. Suthankar, Professor & HOD of ENT
  2. Dr. N.Gopal Reddy, Professor of Anaesthesiology
  3. Dr. Maruthi Rao, Asst.Professor of EMD

Dr. Sasank, PG (General Surgery) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

JAUNDICE on 30.01.2019

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “JAUNDICE” on 30.01.2019 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Sujana
Final year PG
Biochemistry Biochemical Evaluation of Hyperbilirubinemia
Dr. Chiranjeevi
Second year PG
Surgery Management of Surgical jaundice
Dr. G. Adithya
I Year PG
General medicine Clinical Features and Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Dr. MD. Kauser
Second Year PG
Pediatrics Approach to Neonatal Cheolestasis


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine
  3. Dr. L Prakasam reddy, Asst.Professor of Physiology

Dr. MD. Kauser, PG (Pediatrics) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

DYSPNOEA on 26.12.2018

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “DYSPNOEA” on 26.12.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Harshini
Final year PG
General Medicine L.V.D
Dr. Mudassir
Second year PG
Pulmonology COPD
Dr. Sathya
Second Year PG
ENT Stridor
Dr. Parvathi
First Year PG
Pediatrics Respiratory Distress in Newborn


  1. Dr.U. L.Lakshmi Narasamma, Professor of surgery
  2. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine
  3. Dr. V Prabhakar, Professor of Pediatric surgery

Dr. Sathya, PG (ENT) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

SHOCK MANAGEMENT on 28.11.2018

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “SHOCK MANAGEMENT ” on 28.11.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. A. Savitha
Final year PG
Microbiology   Pathogenesis of Shock
Dr. Vamshi
Final year PG
General Surgery Management of Hemorrhagic Shock
Dr. Akhil
Second year PG
Pathology Morphological Changes in the Shock
Dr. Akhila
First year PG
EMD Critical Care Management of Shock


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. Vamshi krishna, Professor of pediatrics
  3. Dr. Ashok rao matety, Professor & HOD of DVL

Dr. Akhila, PG (EMD) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

HIV on 03.09.2018

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “HIV” on 03.09.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. A. Savitha
Final year PG
Microbiology   Morphology, Pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of HIV
Dr. Raghu Mohan
Final year PG
DVL Mode of transmission and cutaneous manifestations of HIV
Dr. Akhil
Final year PG
Medicine HIV & tuberculosis
Dr. K Kavitha
First year PG
OBG Prevention of parent to child transfer of HIV


  1. Dr. Raghuveer, Assoc. Professor of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. Raghuveer, Assoc. Professor of Pharmacology
  3. Dr. shatrughna bhayya, Professor & HOD of SPM

Dr. Akhil, PG (Medicine) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.


Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “COMMON AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES” on 24.07.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. A. Savitha
Final year PG
Microbiology   Common autoimmune diseases
Dr. Pranay
Final year PG
Orthopedics Common autoimmune diseases
Dr. K Raghu Mohan
FInal year PG
DVL Common autoimmune diseases
Dr. K Vinuthna
Final year PG
Medicine Common autoimmune diseases


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. Umesh balgi, Professor of physiology
  3. Dr. Siril satyanandam, Assoc.Professor of pathology

Dr. A. Savitha, PG (Microbiology) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.


Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “UNCONSCIOUS PATIENT” on 25.06.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Vamshi krishna
I year PG
Surgery   Unconscious patient
Dr. Vamshidhar
Final year PG
EMD Unconscious patient
Dr. Krishna kanth reddy
I year PG
Pediatrics Unconscious patient


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. Madhavi, Professor & HOD of OBG
  3. Dr. Siril satyanandam, Assoc.Professor of pathology

Dr. Krishna kanth reddy, PG (Pediatrics) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.


Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “COAGULATION DISORDER” on 30.05.2018 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Sugandhi Akhil
II year PG
General Medicine Thrombotic conditions
Dr. Veeraboina jayasree
II year PG
OBG Transfusion reactions
Dr. D S N M Akshitha
II year PG
Transfusion medicine Thrombotic conditions
Dr. T Chiranjeevi
First year PG
Surgery Thrombotic conditions


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. Ashok rao matety, Professor & HOD of DVL
  3. Dr. Raghuveer, Assoc.Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Veeraboina jayasree, PG (OBG) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Medication error/ patient safety on 22.11.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Medication error/ patient safety” on 22.11.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. P. Dhatri
Final year PG
Hospital administration   Patient safety- introduction  
Dr. sameer
Final year PG
Surgery Surgical safety
Dr. C. Tejaswi
Final year PG
Transfusion medicine Transfusion reactions
Dr. Yogender Reddy
II year PG
Pharmacology Medication errors


  1. Dr. P. Lakshmi Vasante, Professor & HOD of Microbiology
  2. Dr. N.Gopal Reddy, Professor of Anaesthesiology
  3. Dr. V Prabhakar, Professor of Pediatric surgery

Dr. Yogender Reddy, PG (Pharmacology) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Epilepsy on 25.10.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Medication error/ patient safety” on 22.11.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Priya Darshini
II year PG
Pediatrics   Seizure mimics in infants & children
Dr. Yeshwanth Reddy
II year PG
Medicine Evaluation of a case of seizure disorder and management of status epilepticus
Dr. Anjum Kauser
II year PG
Pharmacology Pharmacological aspects of newer antiepileptic drugs


  1. Dr.Praveen, Professor & HOD of Psychiatry
  2. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine
  3. Dr. V Prabhakar, Professor of Pediatric surgery

Dr. Priya Darshini, PG (Pediatrics) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Carcinoma of cervix on 27.09.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Carcinoma of cervix” on 27.09.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. S. Gowthami
III year PG
Pathology   Pathogenesis, precancerous lesions & histopathological spectrum of cancer cervix
Dr. Asma
II year PG
OBG Staging & management of cancer cervix
Dr. V. Jyothi
II year PG
Community Medicine Prevention of carcinoma cervix


  1. Dr.U. L.Lakshmi Narasamma, Professor of surgery
  2. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine
  3. 2. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine

Dr. S. Gowthami, PG (Pathology) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Legal issues in patient care on 23.08.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Legal issues in patient care” on 23.08.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Naveen
III year PG
Emergency Medicine   Medicolegal issues in management of poisoning case
Dr. Amulya
III year PG
Hospital administration Consumer protection act-case studies


  1. Dr.U. L.Lakshmi Narasamma, Professor of surgery
  2. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of pharmacology
  3. Dr. Siril Satyanandam, Professor of plastic surgery

Dr. Naveen, PG (Emergency Medicine) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Carcinoma of Breast on 28.06.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Carcinoma of Breast” on 28.06.2017in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Gangadhar
III year PG
Anatomy   Surgical anatomy of breast includind lymphatic & various drainage & development of breast
Dr. Nishant
III year PG
Pathology Histology of normal breast and histopathology of carcinoma of the breast
Dr. Pramod
III year PG
Radiology Role of radiology in the management of carcinoma of the breast
Dr. Sameer
III year PG
General Surgery Management of carcinoma of the breast.


  1. Dr. Y.Venkatarao, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
  2. Dr. N.Madhavi, Professor & HOD of OBG
  3. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine

Dr. M. Sameer, PG (General Surgery) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Ischemic heart disease on 24.05.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Ischemic heart disease” on 24.05.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Karthik
II year PG
Physiology   Coronary circulation in IHD patients
Dr. Yeshwanth Reddy
II year PG
Medicine Clinical features, investigations & treatment of IHD
Dr. Yogender Reddy
II year PG
Pharmacology    Pharmacotherapy of IHD


  1. Dr. Venu, Professor & HOD of pulmonary medicine
  2. Dr. N. Samanta, Professor & HOD of pediatric surgery
  3. Dr. Sikinder Hayath, Professor & HOD of transfusion medicine

Dr. Yeshwanth Reddy, PG (General Medicine) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Diabetes in young on 26.04.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Diabetes in young” on 26.04.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Karthik
II year PG
Physiology   Physiology of blood glucose homeostasisr
Dr. Anusha
II year PG
Medicine Clinical features, investigations & management of MODY
Dr. Krishna Chaitanya
II year PG
Psychiatry Psychiatric perspectives in Diabetes in young
Dr. Pramod
II year PG
Community Medicine Preventive aspects of Diabetes mellitus in young


  1. Dr. (col) Ashok Rao M, Professor of Dermatology
  2. Dr. V. G. Prasad, Professor of Community Medicine
  3. Dr. M. Subrahmanyam, Professor & HOD of surgery

Dr. Anusha, PG (General Medicine) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Stress urinary incontinence on 22.03.2017

Postgraduate symposium was conducted on Topic “Stress urinary incontinence” on 22.03.2017 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Gangadhar
II year PG
Anatomy   Anatomy of bladder urethra and their relation with pelvic floor
Dr. Karthik
II year PG
Physiology Physiology of micturition the role of intrinsic urethral sphincter
Dr. Kavya
II year PG
OBG   Clinical aspects of stress urinary incontinence


  1. 1. Dr. PVLN Murthy, Professor of Radiology
  2. 2. Dr. N. Samanta, Professor & HOD of pediatric surgery
  3. 3. Dr. P.V.Satyanarayana, Professor & HOD of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Gangadhar, PG (Anatomy) was awarded “certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation.

Alcoholism on 28.10.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Alcoholism” on 28.10.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Vishwak Reddy 2nd year PG Psychiatry  Alcoholism from Psychiatry perspective
(Click here to download)  
Dr. G. Venu Final year PG General Medicine Treatment of alcohol related problems-medical perspective
(Click here to download)
Dr. Navya Krishna  1st year PG Community Medicine  Alcoholism -
 A community aspects & Social perspective 
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. M. Subrahmanyam, Professor & HOD of General Surgery
  2. Dr. Archana A D, Professor & HOD of Biochemistry
  3. Dr. V.G. Prasad, Professor of Community Medicine

Dr. Vishwak Reddy, PG (Psychiatry) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. Dattatrey, Professor & HOD of Psychiatry.

Allergic sinusitis on 23.09.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Allergic sinusitis” on 23.09.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. M. Tejaswi  Final year PG  ENT Allergic Rhino Sinusitis & Nasal Polyposis   
(Click here to download)
Dr. A Shireesha,  Final year PG  Pharmacology  Pharmacotherapy of Allergic Sinusitis
(Click here to download)   


  1. Dr. K. Saileela, Professor & HOD of Microbiology
  2. Dr. Suresh R J Thomas, Professor of Paediatrics
  3. Dr. C. Radha Kishan Rao, Professor of Anaesthesiology

Dr. Navya Krishna Naidu, PG (Community Medicine) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. J. Narotham Rao, Professor of Hospital Administration.  

Cataract on 26.08.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Cataract” on 26.08.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Sree Teja V 2nd year PG  Ophthalmology Diagnosis and Management of Cataract  
(Click here to download)
Dr. Y. Shrikanth 2nd year PG Hospital Administration Administrative challenges in conducting Cataract surgeries
(Click here to download)   
Dr. Navya Krishna 1st year PG Community Medicine National Blindness Control Programme (NPCB)
(Click here to download)   


  1. Dr. K. Saileela, Professor & HOD of Microbiology
  2. Dr. Suresh R J Thomas, Professor of Paediatrics
  3. Dr. C. Radha Kishan Rao, Professor of Anaesthesiology

Dr. Navya Krishna Naidu, PG (Community Medicine) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. J. Narotham Rao, Professor of Hospital Administration.

Cholithiasis With Cholidocholithiasis on 22.07.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Cholithiasis With Cholidocholithiasis” on 22.07.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. K. Sirisha Naidu
2nd year PG
Pathology Etiopathogenesis of Cholithiasis with Cholidocholithiasis
(Click here to download)
Dr. Sirish Bharadwaj
Final year PG
General Surgery Management of Cholithiasis with Cholidocholithiasis
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. K. Saileela, Professor & HOD of Microbiology
  2. Dr. Archana A, Professor & HOD of Biochemistry
  3. Dr. P. Sudhir Babu, Professor of Obst & Gynaecology

Dr. Sirish Bharadwaj, PG (General Surgery) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. (Brig.) P. Krishna Murthy, Professor of General Surgery.

PPH on 24.06.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “PPH” on 24.06.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Sreevani K
2nd year PG
Obst & Gynaecology HELLP Syndrome
(Click here to download)
Dr. K. Hitesh Kumar
Final year PG
Transfusion Medicine Massive Transfusion in PPH - Protocol & Complications
(Click here to download)
Dr. M. Vishwabharathi
Final year PG
General Medicine DIC
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. Anil R. Sherke, Professor & HOD of Anatomy
  2. Dr. T. Venkatramanaiah, Professor & HOD of Forensic Medicine
  3. Dr. P. Ramalingam, Professor of General Surgery

Dr. Hitesh Kumar, PG (Transfusion Medicine) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. N.N. Samanta, Professor & HOD of Paediatric Surgery.

Leukemia on 27.05.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Leukemia” on 27.05.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. D. Aruna Chaitanya
1st year PG
Pathology Lab diagnosis of Leukemias
(Click here to download)
Dr. Subhashini K
1st year PG
Paediatrics Management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias
(Click here to download)
Dr. M. Sai Shravanthi
2nd year PG
General Medicine IClinical features & Management of Chronic Myeloid Leukemias
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. K. Venu, Professor & HOD of Pulmonary Medicine
  2. Dr. (Brig.) P. Krishna Murthy, Professor of General Surgery
  3. Dr. T. Venkatramanaiah, Professor & HOD of Forensic Medicine

Dr. D. Aruna Chaitanya, PG (Pathology) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. N.N. Samanta, Professor & HOD of Paediatric Surgery.

Knee Joint Replacement on 22.04.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Knee Joint Replacement” on 22.04.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. P. Vinmaie
2nd year PG
Orthopaedics Clinical and operative approach for Total Knee Replacement
(Click here to download)
Dr. K. Divya
2nd year PG
Radiodiagnosis Radiological Investigation for knee replacement
(Click here to download)
Dr. Amutul Hafeez
1st year PG
Hospital Administration Infrastructure support and management issue in TKR
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. C. Radha Kishan Rao, Professor of Anaesthesiology
  2. Dr. MD Sikinder Hayath, Professor & HOD of Transfusion Medicine
  3. Dr. C. Dinesh M Naidu, Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Amutul Hafeez, PG (Hospital Administration) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. K. Nagaraj, Professor & HOD of Community Medicine.

Tuberculosis on 25.03.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Tuberculosis” on 25.03.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. Hanumanthu
2nd year PG
Pulmonary Medicine MDRTB & EDRTD
(Click here to download)
Dr. Komal
2nd year PG
Pharmacology Mechanism of action and adverse effects of Anti TB drugs
(Click here to download)
Dr. Waseemsha
2nd year PG
Community Medicine RNTCP
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. Suresh R.J. Thomas, Professor of Paediatrics
  2. Dr. N. Madhavi, Professor of Obst & Gynaecology
  3. Dr. Nishat Ahmed Sheikh, Professor of Forensic Medicine

Dr. Waseemsha, PG (Community Medicine) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. N. N. Samanta, Professor & HOD of Paediatric Surgery.

Acute Abdomen on 25.02.2015

Postgraduate Symposium was conducted on Topic “Acute Abdomen” on 25.02.2015 in Mini Auditorium of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally.

Participants Department Topic
Dr. T. Pradhan Kumar
1st year PG
Emergency Medicine Acute intestinal obstruction, etiology and emergency management
(Click here to download)
Dr. Bhavanideepthi
1st year PG
Paediatrics Non-surgical medical causes of Acute abdomen in children
(Click here to download)
Dr. Dinesh
1st year PG
General Surgery Acute Intestinal obstruction surgical management
(Click here to download)


  1. Dr. Archana A D, Assoc. Professor of Biochemistry
  2. Dr. P. Lakshmi Vasantha, Assoc. Professor of Microbiology
  3. Dr. Sunita Mishra, Assoc. Professor of Obst & Gynaecology

Dr. T. Pradhan, PG (Emergency Medicine) was awarded “Certificate of appreciation” for the best presentation by Dr. M. Subrahmanyam, Professor & HOD of General Surgery.